St. Leon Armenian Church
Սրբոց Ղեւոնդեանց Հայոց Եկեղեցի
Fair Lawn, New Jersey

About Us Our Parish Publications Stewardship Facilities Organizations Outreach Membership Donate
Armenian School
Church Choir
Men's Fellowship
Senior Center
Sports Association
Sunday School
Women's Guild

Sunday School


Sunday School Registration Form

Volunteer Form



2017-2018  School Calendar Pre-K - Grade 4


2017-2018  School Calendar Grade 5 - Grade 11  






St Leon Sunday School  
Faculty Share Folder




Our mission is to educate our youth spiritually as Armenian Christians. Classes range from Nursery through our eleventh grade graduating class. Children can begin attending Nursery if they are age 3 by October and toilet trained. We begin at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday with group assemblies or church. Grades Pre-K through four learn the church sharagans as well as fun, wholesome Christian songs at a pre-scheduled time. Then it’s off to class. You will find classes up to grade four in Jessourian Hall below the church, and grades five through eleven in the Charles and Grace Pinajian Youth Center.

Throughout the year the students participate in alms giving for the Diocese, and the local community. This past year we raised money for Feed America and a soup kitchen in Armenia.  We collect non-perishable good items for local food shelters, and this year will contribute to the Capitol Improvement Fund of the Kershner House. During Registration and Open House the Sunday School will be selling beautiful wrapping paper (16 sheets of 20" by 30" wrap for $10). There are many fun activities planned for this school year, including Pajama Day and Sports Uniform Day. The students and staff participate in various Lenten activities. The Sunday School also hosts a mini-retreat in August that is open to anyone who wishes to attend. Also, we currently have two of our students (Girl Scouts) working on the Ararat Award.

Volunteers in all areas are always needed to help our Sunday School run smoothly. Please share your time and talent with us! Statistics show that children thrive when they receive spiritual guidance. Come be a role model to our youth and join in the fellowship of St Leon Sunday School.


St. Leon Armenian Church
12-61 Saddle River Road ♦ Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone: 201-791-2862 Fax: 201-791-1329 Email:


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