St. Leon Armenian Church
Սրբոց Ղեւոնդեանց Հայոց Եկեղեցի
Fair Lawn, New Jersey

About Us Our Parish Publications Stewardship Facilities Organizations Outreach Membership Donate
Armenian School
Church Choir
Men's Fellowship
Senior Center
Sports Association
Sunday School
Women's Guild

Men's Fellowship

Men's Fellowship Executive Board


Vice Chairman
Corresponding Secretary 
Recording Secretary 
Fr. Diran Bohajian Chairman
Garabed Yazidjian
Greg Hourdajian

Tom Ashbahian
Ara Hourdajian 





Mission Statement
To provide an organization where adult men of the St. Leon community can create programs and events that are aligned with the overall Christian spirit and teachings of the Armenian Church. The organization will develop activities and events that span a broad range of educational, spiritual, cultural and contemporary themes to attract a wider cross section of the St. Leon community. The group will also support various other St. Leon organizations by sponsoring annual events and assisting with other fundraising activities. The Men’s Fellowship will also call on its members to provide support when necessary to various infrastructure projects for the church facilities on an as needed basis.


Membership dues for the Men’s Fellowship are $10 per year.  Events and meetings may require additional funds for covering the costs of food during the course of the year.  Please contact Greg Hourdajian to become a member.

Membership Meetings

Membership meeting are generally held on the first Friday of each month, September through June.  Regular meetings include a dinner experience, business review and usually a guest speaker on current events or topics of interest.

St. Leon Armenian Church
12-61 Saddle River Road ♦ Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone: 201-791-2862 Fax: 201-791-1329 Email: